Sunday, March 28, 2010

What are you doing here?

I moved my blog here from it's previous home on Tumblr. If you haven't already, you can read my previous writings here. I've also changed the title as the previous one was rather snide and I remembered that I am (most of the time) a nice person. I do still think that using kimchi in the title of anything to do with Korea suggests a slight lack of effort in creating your blog title, but that's ok. I'm doing a fairly similar thing with my blog now anyway.

So what is my blog title about? Who is Park Ji Sung? The wikipedia link back there will tell you everything you need to know about him. He is a huge star over here, and my blog title is the first question that 90% of people ask me after finding out that I am from England. One of my major teaching ambitions in Korea is to get my students to use the question "Have you heard of...?" rather than "Do you know...?", or at least to bung a preposition in there for a bit more sense. Still for now I just smile and answer yes, and tell them that I know Lee Chung-Yong too for good measure.

I hope that you enjoy the blog in its new home. I'm always surprised by how many people tell me that they read it. Thanks. I hope you continue to do so.


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